
Middle School Closing Celebration 2024

The Middle School Closing Celebration for Grades 7 and 8, presided over by Mr. Lajoie, Head of Middle School, took place on June 13 and provided the perfect opportunity for parents, staff, and students to reflect on the past school year. The Middle School student leaders delivered thoughtful talks on the various Veritas truths. Additionally, the afternoon featured a tie-giving ceremony, where Grade 8 students received their Middle School ties. Special ties were also presented to boys who are leaving, ensuring they carry a piece of Selwyn with them on their new journeys.

The Middle School community also bid a fond farewell to Ms. Dalton, Science Department Head, as she transitions to teaching in the Pre-University Program. Although she will be missed for her invaluable contributions to Middle School, we are happy she will remain close by!
The celebrations concluded with a wonderful feast. It was an especially meaningful moment the Middle School parents, who came together to celebrate the strong sense of community that defines Selwyn. Thank you to everyone who contributed to capturing the essence of Middle School life, focusing on engagement and a love of learning.

To access all the photos from the celebration click here.
