
Art Fair 2024

This year's Art Fair at Selwyn House School took place at the beginning of May and was a remarkable showcase of student creativity and commitment. From the innovative projects using interactive Makey Makey boards to the impressive digital arts objects, the fair highlighted the diverse talents of our students. Congratulations to all the boys for their hard work and inspiring contributions. A special thank you to Mme Dupras, Enseignante des arts plastiques, Mr. Hodgins, Computer Science teacher, and Mr. Bedard, Computer Science Department Head for their dedicated guidance and for constantly demonstrating ingenuity. Read more below about what these passionate teachers had to say about the students's various class projects:
C'est avec une grande fierté que les élèves de l'École Selwyn House ont une fois de plus montré leurs œuvres à l'exposition annuelle du Art Fair, dont le vernissage a eu lieu le 2 mai dernier. Travail acharné et talents étaient au rendez-vous! - Mme Dupras, Enseignante des arts plastiques
This year, the boys in Middle School created custom instruments, controllers, and games that made sound for Selwyn's Art Fair. They created these various projects using Makey Makey boards, which allowed them to create switches out of anything conductive. The Senior School boys learned how to read schematics and create simple circuits. For their project, they created a fun simple synthesizer they could play with two knobs and a button. - Mr. Hodgins, Computer Science teacher
Art Fair allows students up to Grade 10 to showcase their creations. It's a pretty exciting time for everyone involved. A lot of time and energy usually goes into their creations and public display of one's work can be discomforting. Digital Arts students in Middle School demonstrated their work in two ways: through their monogrammed coasters and stained glass pieces. Both used vector graphic software to create images. The monograms were burned into wooden coasters using the laser cutter and the stained glass images were printed onto card stock. Students traced pieces onto stained glass and learned how to cut, grind, foil,  and solder the glass pieces together creating one-of-a-kind works of art to hang in windows for years to come.
Grade 9 student work included Photoshopped self-portraits done as polygon images and vector graphic images laser cut into slate. 
Grade 10 students had a chance to display their chess pieces designed in Blender and printed using one of the school's 3D printers. A printer was on display in the Agora as a demonstration of what it looks like as it prepares the chess pieces. The printer-in-action serves as inspiration for future digital artists.  - Mr. Bedard, Computer Science Department Head
