
Obituary: Alexandre-Liem Le '07

Alexandre-Liem Le, Class of 2007, passed away on February 10, 2022 as a result of complications from injuries following a motorcycle accident in January, in Vietnam where he lived. Classmates met with Alex's family at a visitation in Montreal on Sunday, February 27, 2022 and then came back to Selwyn House School to celebrate Alex's life. Over 40 people, from as far away as Spain, attended and felt comforted being together. At the gathering, Headmaster Mike Downey recalled Alex's positive attitude and kind personality and spoke about the importance of friendship. Director of Advancement Sharon Cozens remembered Alex's entrance to Maternelle and said what an honour it was that the class chose to return to their alma mater to be together. Athletics Director Mike Maurovich posthumously presented the Sportsmans Guild tie to Alex. Classmate Julian Beh-Pold accepted this on behalf of Alex's mother, Mai Quach. Former Headmaster Will Mitchell wrote: "I remember Alex as making positive contributions to school life and being a good citizen of the community." In the days following, Georges Greiche '97 wrote, "Many of us agreed it was a very healthy tonic to wash down the bitter and sad afternoon we had just shared earlier in the day. It was fun to feel the collective and positive energy of our class and our school." The class has plans to create a bursary in Alex's name as part of his legacy.