This month, we are proud to highlight the creative pursuits of Mr. Adam Hodgins, who teaches Computer Science in the Elementary School and Music and Technology in the Middle and Senior Schools. As one-half of the electronic music duo Solitary Dancer, Mr. Hodgins has made waves with releases on some of the industry’s most respected labels, and worked with notable clients like Holt Renfrew's Stone Island.
Starting in 2024, Solitary Dancer embarked on a creative partnership with Adidas and legendary fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto’s pioneering Y-3 label, composing scores for their Spring/Summer 2025 and Fall/Winter 2025 Paris Fashion Week runways. The music for the shows are being released on 12" vinyl records. The first record is set to release this Friday.
While in France, Mr. Hodgins had the chance to meet with Old Boys William from the Class of 2028 and Timothé Guyot ’23, who now reside in Marseille. The took opportunity to catch-up and make some music together.
We celebrate Mr. Hodgins' remarkable achievements and his ability to bring his industry experience into the classroom, inspiring the next generation of creative minds at Selwyn House.