Deuxième cycle du secondaire

Exploring Cooking 101: Pre-University's May X-Day

On May 1, Pre-University students had their final Experiential Day (X-Day) of the year. As the end of an academic year of exceptional growth and learning approach, our focus shifted to the reality that many of the students will be leaving home next year. Thus, May's X-Day centered on navigating the non-academic aspects of the first year of university.
In the morning, Ms. McGirr, Counsellor, spoke to the Grade 12 students on topics such as froshing/rushing, campus partying, drinking and drugs, and how to seek help through university counselling and other supportive services. She created a safe space where the young men felt comfortable asking questions.
Following the morning workshop, a number of Pre-University parents hosted Cooking 101 workshops from the comfort of their own kitchens. The idea was to teach the young men some basic cooking techniques to prepare them for living away from home. Students were provided with an envelope of cash, a shopping list, and were instructed to pick up groceries before heading to their host families' kitchens for an afternoon of cooking. The students spoke highly of the day, and many parent volunteers expressed gratitude for their inclusion in the day's events.
A huge thank you to everyone involved in the day. - Ms. Lynam, Pre-University Coordinator