Deuxième cycle du secondaire

Middle and Senior School Students Commemorate Yom HaShoah with Assembly and Exhibition

On May 6, students in Middle and Senior School initiated an assembly and an exhibit in commemoration of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day in the Jewish calendar. Two Holocaust survivors, Mera and Andy Sebestyen spoke to Middle and Senior School students and staff about their experiences.
“We are the last generation to directly know people who are Holocaust survivors and it is important as a community to learn from the past,” said Philip B., one of the Yom Hashoah student organizers. Mark K., another student organizer added, “I wasn’t only recognizing my own heritage but educating others on it as well. As part of the Jewish community and the grandchild of a survivor, it is my duty to share the story, and thanks to the wonderful Selwyn House community, I was able to do so.”
In addition to the assembly, the boys created an exhibit and led guided tours so that students and staff could explore a community map with stories from students and staff, information about concentration camps, images of Nazi propaganda, and a timeline of key Holocaust events. Thank you to all the students and staff who organized this event and related exhibition. A special thank you to our guest speakers, Mera and Andy Sebestyen, for sharing their and their families' stories of survival.