
Double-Header Championships for Cadet and Bantam Rugby Teams

On May 30, 2024. Selwyn House School had two teams competing for the city RSEQ Greater Montreal - GMAA D3 Rugby Championship.

The Bantam team made up of Grade 7s went undefeated during the regular season also winning the GMAA Rugby 7s Championship. Up against Chateauguay Valley Regional High School in the finals, they played a very tight game right until the end. The Gryphons emerged victorious with a 28-21!

The Cadet team had a great season as well finishing with a 4-1 record also winning the GMAA Rugby 7s Championship. They played St. Thomas High School in the finals. Although they did not get the result they hoped for the Cadet team demonstrated grit and speed, hitting hard all season.

A special thank you to players for their effort, the parents for their support, and the coaches Damien Bugault and Peter Govan for their expertise with these young men. - Mr. Held, Physical Education teacher and Rugby coach
