
Grade 7 Holds Fundraiser for Colorectal Cancer Canada

Leading up to June 5, several Grade 7 students organized a Lemonade & Cookies fundraiser for Colorectal Cancer Canada. The students invited the Selwyn House School community members, to join them near the Veritas sign for the sale. All proceeds will go to Colorectal Cancer Canada in memory of Ms. Elisabeth Lapointe, the mother of Édouard L-R. in 7-3. The boys began this fundraising effort in 2023 and hope to make this an ongoing tradition where the community shares yummy treats, music and togetherness. Many thanks to the boys, their parents and to those of you who were able to come out and support the lemonade stand!  Thanks to all the bakers and to those who popped by after school to say hello and have a treat, we were able to raise over $1500 for Colorectal Cancer Canada! - Mr. Lajoie, Head of Middle School