
Senior School Academic Awards Recognize Student Excellence

The Senior Academic Awards assembly for the 2023-24 school year celebrated the outstanding achievements of our Grade 8, 9, and 10 students took place on September 17. This esteemed event honoured those who reached High Honours and demonstrated exceptional effort and conduct throughout the year.
Scholars Awards were presented recognizing the three highest averages in each grade level as well as Distinction in various subjects for exceptional academic performance. Additionally, special trophies and awards were given to students for significant achievements.
Mr. McCarney, Director of Academic Innovation and Growth, served as the MC, guiding the morning with his characteristic enthusiasm and dedication. A highlight of the assembly was the presentation of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, a global distinction that acknowledges youth who strive to make a positive impact, embrace new challenges, contribute to their communities, and realize their full potential. 
The assembly concluded with the proud recognition of our new Prefects, who were formally presented with their prefect pins, symbolizing their leadership and commitment to Veritas.

Photos from the Assembly
